Resources | Website Development | Speed Up Website Loading
There are
2 factors that can affect website loading speed: server load and web
page content itself. PremiumReseller.com provide
quality reseller hosting on powerful servers with Quad Core Xeon
and minimum 4GB Rams, which guarantee that your website will be
served promptly. In this
article, we will show you how to optimize web page for faster loading
1. Reducing page weight
+ Eliminate unnecessary white space (use tools like HTML Tidy to
automatically strip leading white space and extra blank lines from
valid HTML source) and comments.
+ Cut down on extras (buttons, graphics) and don't put a lot of
graphics and big midi files.
+ Reduce file size of some of your graphics.
+ Redesign long pages so it works over 2 different pages instead of
just one.
Reducing the number of inline scripts or moving them into external
files - inline scripts slow down page loading since the parser
must assume that an inline script can modify the page structure. You
+ Reduce the use of document.write to output content
+ Use modern W3C DOM methods to manipulate page content for modern
+ Use CSS to reduce the amount of markup as well as the need for
images in terms of layout.
+ Minimize CSS/script files for performance while keeping unrelated
CSS/scripts in separate files for maintenance.
+ Use External HTML Loading - involves using an IFrame for Internet
Explorer and Netscape 6, and then shifting that content via
innerHTML over to a tag.
Minimizing the number of files referenced in a web page to lower
the number of HTTP connections required to download a page.
Reducing domain lookups since each separate domain costs time in
a DNS lookup.
Chunking your content - the size of the full page is less
important if the user can quickly start acting on some information.
+ Replace table-based layout with divs
+ Break tables into smaller ones that can be displayed without
having to download the entire page's content, avoid nesting tables,
split page layout into multiple independent tables to preserve the
browsers' ability to render each of them step-by-step.
+ Order page components optimally - successive transmission of the
DHTML code enables the browser to render the page during loading.
Specifying image and table sizes - browsers are able to display
web pages without having to reflow content if they can immediately
determine the height and/or width of your images and tables.
Using software and image compression technology
+ Use tools that can "compress" JavaScript by reformatting the
source or obfuscating the source and reducing long indentifiers to
shorter versions
+ Use mod_gzip, a compression module using the standard zlib
compression library, to compress output and have the browser
decompress data on the fly reducing the amount of data sent and
increases the page display speed; HTTP compression results in
150-160% performance gain.
Caching previously received data/reused content - make sure that
any content that can be cached is cached with appropriate expiration
times since caching engines reduce page loading time and script
execution by performing optimizations and various types of caching.